  • 期刊


導入自我評量和同儕互評的課程設計─以學習成效為導向的概論式課程─|Self-evaluation and Peer-evaluation Course Design: Learning Result Orientated Theoretical Lessons




教學現場所指的評量大致可分成自我評量與同儕互評等兩種。而評量的目的則是期望能有效掌握學習狀況與改善教學。近年來,評量的方式不僅止於紙筆測驗,而是根據評量對象的不同,評量的種類與方式也非常多樣。例如:發表、教室活動、上課態度與積極度、小組討論、討論、製作作業或報告、完成實作成品等。教學現場必須導入多元評量來因應學生的多樣性,同時也需要能評量無法以測驗成績呈現或是無法量化的部分。概論式課程不以語言的五技能為授課目標,而是以理解異文化或是強化學習日語的學習動機為主,因此要靠教師與測驗成績來評量學習成效有相當程度的困難。因此,本研究以銘傳大學應用日語學系的「日本旅遊概論」為例,進行自我評量和同儕互評。該課程不僅是概論式課程,同時也是修課人數100人以上的大班班級,研究結果不僅能整理長久以來較難以測驗評量的問題,亦能提供日後課程設計與精進學習參考。|Classroom evaluation can be broadly divided into two types, Self-evaluation and Peer-evaluation. The purpose of classroom evaluations is to judge the learning effectiveness and improve the instructions. However, in recent years, the form of evaluation isn't limited to paper tests any longer, it's becoming more versatile. For example, the forms including presentations, classroom activities, class participation, group discussions, reports, homework, projects, etc. The class must be able to incorporate versatile evaluations for the diversity of students and access learning results that can't be measured by paper test or in other similar forms. The goal of theoretical lessons isn't limited to the five skills of language but also includes the understanding of cross-cultural or strengthen learning motive. Relying on instructors and examinations to evaluate learning is difficult. Therefore, this paper uses the Japan Tourism Introduction class, a large class with more than 100 students and a theoretical lesson, as an example to evaluate the results of self-evaluation and peer-evaluation. Based on the results, it concludes that the problems of evaluations have been difficult to see and provides a reference for future curriculum redesign and learning improvement.
