  • 期刊


The Study of Mitochondrial DNA Methylation in Predicting Age of Forensic Samples




Our institute has received about 400 unidentified bodies per year. Most unidentified bodies cannot be confirmed the age. In general, the forensic medical examiner and physical anthropological experts estimated the age of unidentified bodies based on their experience, but the results were difficult to quantize. Therefore, the purpose of our study hope to establish the method using results of DNA methylation to provide information for the forensic medical examiners to estimate age. Our research results showed that 53 forensic samples were divided into four groups based on the age: 20 cases for 20-40 years old, 14 cases for 41-60 years old, 12 cases for 61-80 years old, and 7 cases for 81-100 years old. We selected significant sites of mitochondrial DNA and calculated the methylation degree of each site. In addition, we selected top three significant site which the coefficient of determination was R^2 > 0.1 to calculate the predictably age of sample by regression line equations of the methylation degree of each site. The results indicated that the difference between the chronological age and the predictably age of 20-40 age group based on 3532, 4441, and 11519 sites is +5 and -9 years old. The difference between the chronological age and the predictably age of 41-60 age group based on 3592, 4975, and 14280 sites is +5 and -4 years old. The difference between the chronological age and the predictably age of 61-80 age group based on 547, 4482, and 14280 sites is +5 and -7 years old. The difference between the chronological age and the predictably age of 81-100 age group based on 3886, 8951, and 11519 sites is +3 and -4 years old. The predictably age of samples can assist unidentified bodies or missing persons to compare the kinship between relatives. In the future, we hope that this method can be utilized to provide more information and analysis more cases. This method can provide references for the procurator and forensic medical examiners to predict the age of forensic samples.


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