  • 期刊


Characteristic Comparisons of the Same Auxiliary Table Applied to Different Vibration Testing Machines




This work aims to discuss the use of the same vertical auxiliary table applied to different vibration testing machines and evaluate the table flatness as well as the table vibration characteristics. The same vibration table attached to different vibration testing machines is performed operational modal analysis to obtain the acceleration transmissibility between the base excitation input and the table response output. The vibration modes of the table in conjunction with different machines can also be determined and evaluated as well as the acceleration transmissibility. The experimental measurement of table flatness is also carried out base on the white-noise test specification. The performance indices (PIs) of the table flatness are defined to study the table performances for different machines. A procedure to predict the table flatness performance is then introduced and validated its correctness in comparison to the measured data. Results show the prediction of flatness PIs is successful. Different control sensor locations can then be selected to predict the PIs for different machines. The PIs for the table used in different machines can be characterized. The developed methodology is useful for the practical application of the table to different machines and provides evaluation tool to calibrate the table performance, especially for different vibration test machines.


