  • 期刊

澎湖章魚(Octopus sp.)的生物學研究

A Study on Biology of the Penghu Octopus (Octopus sp.)




澎湖章魚 章魚 生物學 潮間帶 澎湖群島


Penghu octopus (Octopus sp.) started to arrive at the inter-tidal zone of the Penghu islands in February. Males were already mature and had spermatophores in penis in March. Females had spermatophores in oviducts at the beginning of April when the octopus population reached a peak abundance. The females decreased in number after mid-April, and the octopus population vanished gradually from the inter-tidal zone in May. The female ovaries grew during the months of March to April. The fecundity was 17-118 eggs and correlated positively with the body weight. In the laboratory spawning activities of females were observed in mid-July, and a female laid 10-30 eggs, each 14.7-20.6 mm in length and 4.7-5.8 mm in width. The males lived to 21 June and the females to 26 August in the laboratory. The catch and body weight were significant different but the total landing was not significant different yearly from 2005 to 2008.
