  • 期刊


Analysis of Landscape Change after Natural Disasters in the Wu-Shyr-Keng Area of Taiwan


監測自然地景的長期變遷有助於野生物棲息地保育工作的推動。本研究以烏石坑地區為研究區域,利用多時期的Satellite Pour L' observation de la Terre衛星遙測資料與影像分類方法,建構不同年份的基本圖資,用於監測地景之變遷過程。1995、2001、2006與2012年等4期之影像分類結果發現,總體準確度均可達90%左右,而各時期的地景變化中,1995至2001年間,受天然災害之影響,森林的面積大幅減少,並轉變為裸露區,另從野生物棲息地的地景結構分析可知,特有生物研究保育中心低海拔試驗站轄管範圍及其周圍鄰近區域歷經災害干擾後,造成地景有出現缺口與破碎化的現象,至2012年已有回復的趨勢,未來仌值得持續觀察是否會對野生物的族群造成其他影響。


Understanding the long-term process underlying natural landscape changes is central to drive the conservation efforts of wildlife habitats. We produced multi- temporal land cover maps for monitoring landscape change in the Wu-Shyr-Keng area of Taiwan, using remote sensing data and image classifications from Satellite Pour L' observation de la Terre. The results show that overall accuracies of classification maps for 1995, 2001, 2006 and 2012 are around 90%. The spatial distribution of forest declined sharply, and forests were replaced by bare area between 1995 and 2001 because of natural disasters. Then we analyzed landscape structures across managed range and the surrounding areas at a low altitude experimental station of Endemic Species Research Institute. Our results suggest that although forest covers have restored in 2012, wildlife habitats may suffer from damages and fragmentation. Hence, a sustained research is necessary to observe disturbance effects for wildlife populations.
