  • 期刊


Using open data to establish a multi-temporal and terrestrial environmental dataset of Taiwan


高空間解析度的環境資料是生態與環境科學研究的重要元素。為了強化臺灣相關領域的研究與應用,本研究盤點國內外開放的環境資料集,篩選臺灣範圍內解析度高且訊息最完整之資料,運用GIS空間分析建構1 km網格解析度的「臺灣陸域環境因子多時序資料集」。資料集的時間橫跨1970-2010年,每10年為一個時段,共分成5個年代。資料範圍涵蓋臺灣本島及周遭島嶼,並依地理位置分別建立兩個子資料集,一是以東經121度(TWD97/TM2 Zone 121),包含臺灣本島、琉球嶼、北方三島(棉花嶼、花瓶嶼、彭佳嶼)、龜山島、綠島與蘭嶼,另一則是以東經119度 (TWD97/TM2 Zone 119),包含馬祖、金門、澎湖與東沙。資料集內的環境因子包含8個地形因子、79個氣候因子、9個土地覆蓋因子與4個其他因子等共100項變數。本研究以提供檔案下載連結方式開放資料,提供臺灣最完整時空範圍的高解析度之環境因子圖檔(ESRI shapefile)、具地理坐標的影像格式(GeoTIFF)與資料矩陣數值檔(ASCII),可大幅節省研究者彙整搜集與資料運算時間,並可有效應用於生物分布模擬、氣候與環境變遷分析等研究。


High resolution spatial-temporal environmental dataset is one of the most important elements in environmental and ecological researches. In order to improve the studies and applications in different sectors of Taiwan, we built multi-temporal environmental ready-datasets in Taiwan proper and its outlying islands with 1 km resolution. We collected high resolution raw data from domestic and international databases, of which the spatial range covered the whole extent of Taiwan proper and its outlying islands. The dataset was classified into five-decade periods between 1970 and 2010. We divided the dataset into two sub-datasets by two degree zones. TWD97/TM2 Zone 121 includes Taiwan proper, Hsiao Liouciou Island, Pen-Chia Yu, Mian-Hua Yu, Hua-Ping Yu, Kueishan Island, Lüdao and Orchid islands; and the TWD97/TM2 Zone 119 includes Matsu islands, Kinmen islands, Penghu islands and Pratas islands. We set 100 variables in the dataset, including eight topographical variables, 79 climatic variables, nine land cover types and four other variables. This ready-dataset was opened as shapefile, GeoTIFF and ASCII data formats. This dataset could support the studies concerning environmental issues, such as species distribution modeling, climate change, and environment change; and save researchers a considerable amount of time in dealing with datasets from different sources.
