  • 期刊


T. H. Green and the Transformation of Liberalism in the Late Nineteenth Century


十九世紀中葉以降,隨著古典自由主義理念的逐步實踐,個人自由的擴大開始暴露對於整體社會的傷害,自由放任原則似乎不再是不可動搖的前提預設。面對古典自由主義理論與現實間的扞格,有志之士開始重新探究個人與集體社會間的良善關係,格林(T. H. Green,1836-1882)的思想便反映了這樣的探尋。本文從格林的哲學理念的內涵,探討格林之政治思想與具體政策主張,指出格林思想的一貫立場,並進一步討論格林自由主義思想的歷史意義。本文認為,就思想脈絡而言,格林思想代表著古典自由主義(及功利主義)到新自由主義的轉向;而從社會脈絡觀之,格林思想的提出與英國十九世紀晚期大眾社會的形成密切相關,格林的核心關懷即在解決古典自由主義所導致、卻無法解決的大眾社會問題。格林的思想深刻地反映了十九世紀晚期自由主義的實踐困境及其轉型方向。


In the late Nineteenth century, with the practice of the classical Liberalism, the dilemma of Liberalism in reality occurred. The laissez-faire principle which focuses on individual freedom seemed to conflict with the interest of the whole society. Therefore, thinkers attempted to explore the ideal relationship between individuality and collectivity, and Thomas Hill Green (1836-1882) was the representative scholar among these thinkers. This thesis aims to analyze the coherence of Green's philosophical thoughts and social policies, and discuss to the historical context of Green's thoughts. By doing so, this thesis tries to present the trend of transformation of Liberalism in the late 19th century.
