  • 期刊


A Discussion of Stalin and the Diverging Views of Jewish Nationalism: The Case of the Jewish Anti-Fascist Committee (1942-1952)


「猶太人反法西斯委員會」(Jewish Anti-Fascist Committee,簡稱猶委會)為蘇聯猶太人二戰期間組成的官方組織,主要為揭發希特勒對猶太人之惡行,以及作為史達林之宣傳工具。隨著托洛斯基(Leon Trotsky,1879-1940)逝世至二戰開始,史達林權力已達穩固。在國際局勢方面,美國成為強權國家,以色列建國後態度傾向西方,其結果導致蘇聯與西方進入冷戰時期。在冷戰時代氛圍之下,史達林展開整肅行動,致力於摒除蘇聯境內的異議份子,猶委會成員遭受審判即是史達林鞏固權力象徵。過往學者討論史達林與猶委會之間的議題時,大多從外緣因素探討,包括分析史達林個性,說明猶委會海外工作等等。然本文認為,為了深入了解史達林排除猶委會原因,必須兼顧猶委會成員組織運作及內部因素,透過分析猶委會內部運作,我們即會了解猶委會成立之初,其內部成員意見分歧,最後在黑皮書工作上,出現洛佐夫斯基(Solomon Lozovsky,1878-1952)與愛倫堡(Ilya Ehrenburg,1891-1967)兩者對民族主義不同看法。爾後,史達林視猶委會為醞釀猶太民族主義的組織,最終處死猶委會成員。


The Jewish Anti-Fascist Committee (JAC) was an official Soviet Jewish association organized during World War II. The main objective of the JAC was to reveal the horrors of the Holocaust, oppose Nazi activities, and serve as a tool in the dissemination of Soviet political propaganda. Following the death of Leon Trotsky and the outbreak of World War II, Joseph Stalin rose in power. After the war's end, two factors shaped the exercise of this leader's authority. First, the United States emerged as a powerful state. And second, the nation of Israel, now established, oriented itself toward the West. These factors precipitate the Cold War and, in this charged atmosphere, Stalin launched a purge of political dissidents within the Soviet Union. Among those prosecuted were the members of the JAC-taken as a symbol of the consolidation of Stalin's power. Previous studies of the JAC's relationship to Stalin focus on external factors, such as the JAC's overseas work and Stalin's personality. In contrast, this article argues that such consideration does not adequately explain why the JAC was purged. A full discussion must also include examination of the organizational operations and internal factors of the JAC members. This approach helps us better appreciate the diverging views of the early JAC, as well as the different nationalist ideas of Solomon Lozovsky and Ilya Ehrenburg, articulated in the course of Black Book publishing. As indicated by personal letters and court records, Stalin perceived the JAC as a seditious nationalist Jewish organization and moved to execute its members.
