  • 期刊


Landslide Susceptibility Evaluation Based on Simprecise Method-A Case Study in Shang-Zong-Liao Watershed




Slope gradient and some geomorphological processes could be effectively assessed from the contour configuration, hence, topographic maps are great tools for evaluating slope stability. Since slope gradient and surface processes often change drastically after surface slope failures, it is relatively easy to identify slope failures by comparing topographic maps constructed before and after the event. On contrast, the sliding mass of many landslides usually remain relatively intact, and mostly hidden underground, hence, the location and extent of these landslides are difficult to detect even on high resolution satellite images. However, a landslide-prone slope usually gives in gradually and the accumulated topographic changes may be identified from comparing current to very old topographic maps. Based on topographic maps constructed over the past few decades, the ”Simprecise Method” was applied to evaluate slope stability in the Shang-Zong-Liao watershed. It is concluded that surface erosion has been the main geomorphological process in the watershed. As rills deepened over time, slope creep and shallow landslides were initiated. Some geomorphic characteristics pertaining to landslides were identified on the 1977 topographic map at the area where a landslide took place in 2000. Some land utilization was identified on the 1997 satellite image at the same site, and the extent of the unstable area appeared to expand upslope. The study concludes that the slope is still susceptible to landslide hazard.
