  • 期刊


Development of Slope Warning System for Landslides using Radar Echo Rainfall Data




Slope failure can be re-activated. A landslide fails when the groundwater table reaches its critical state without changing the geological conditions and artificial disturbances. Taiwan is located at the boundary of Euro-asia and Philippine plates. The frequency of slope failure caused by the heavy rainfalls from typhoons is increasing because of the mountainous topography, complicated geology, and the impact of climate change. This study investigates the slope stability at the Tainan 175 highway 25k+500 (originally Tainan 174 highway 50k+500) by gathering local geological data and the rainfall data from the neighboring rainfall station. In addition, additional borehole drillings and electric resistivity survey are conducted to clarify the distribution of rock formations. The critical groundwater table is determined based on the groundwater fluctuation and ground deformation by the monitoring of inclinometers, groundwater, extensometers, and tilter meters. Then, the relationship between groundwater table and slope deformation can be clarified. After defining the regression equation between the reflectivity of the meteorological radar and the rainfall, a slope failure warning system can be established by integrating the critical groundwater table and slope stability.


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