  • 期刊


An Establishment of Engineering Management Information System in Southern Taiwan


阿公店、曾文及牡丹等三水庫集水區為經濟部水利署南區水資源局所管轄,三水庫集水區內歷年均有土砂災害防治工程施作,各類土砂災害防治工程種類繁多,近幾年因颱風、豪雨、地震及其他天然災害嚴重破壞,造成三水庫集水區內土砂災害防治工程管理不易,為期能有效管控水庫集水區內歷年所施作之各類土砂災害防治工程分布現況及延續水庫壽命,實有必要定期進行工程現況查核評估,並建立網際網路資訊化管理模式,以期輔助三水庫集水區能永續經營管理。因此本研究主要係應用全球衛星定位系統(GPS:Global Positioning System)、衛星影像處理分析(IPS:Image Processing System)和航照判釋(Aerial-photo Interpretation)等遙測技術(RS:Remote Sensing),先行針對三水庫集水區之環境基本特性與近幾年所規劃配置之主要集水區土砂災害防治工程構造物功能現況進行調查與工址GPS定位,再將工程規劃配置資料整合及完成工程資訊數化建檔後,另以網際網路地理資訊系統(Web-GIS:Web-Geographic Information System)建立圖形、影像、照片及文(數)字等各類GPS/Web-GIS/RS資料整合主題圖層,進而完成三水庫集水區內網際網路工程管理資訊系統之研發設計,俾期能提升三水庫集水區之網際網路資訊化及自動化工程管理技術,以利經濟部水利署南區水資源局推動其所轄三水庫集水區土砂災害防治工程之資訊化管理。


Ah-Kon-Dan, Tseng-Wen and Mu-Dan Reservoirs, has been recognized as important reservoirs to support running water resource in southern Taiwan. In order to keep the sediment related disaster prevention engineering structures can be effective function, Ah-Kon- Dan, Tseng-Wen and Mu-Dan watersheds management help elongate the service life of Ah-Kon-Dan, Tseng-Wen and Mu-Dan Reservoirs become one of critical policy in this project. However, an investigating process on evaluating the original designed purposes and functions of all disaster prevention engineering structures should be required in these watersheds. To develop an Engineering Management Information System (EMIS) used to help Ah-Kon-Dan, Tseng-Wen and Mu-Dan watersheds management become an important issue in this research. All disaster prevention constructions are abundant in Ah-Kon-Dan, Tseng-Wen and Mu-Dan watersheds are frequently attacked by typhoon, intensive rainfall, earthquakes, and other artificial disasters in the past 10 years. To assure the function, management, and maintenance of those measures and to prevent those facilities from the impact of secondary sediment related disasters, an overall inspection is also necessary. In the study, applications of global positioning systems (GPS) integrated with remote sensing (RS) would be necessary for conducting this project. Fundamental information including location, scale, and others of those measures were then collected by using the technique above. Web-Geographic information systems (Web- GIS) have been used to establish a Reservoir Watershed-Engineering Management Information System (RW-EMIS) combining with the environmental information of Ah-Kon-Dan, Tseng-Wen and Mu-Dan Reservoirs. At the same time, other digitized data investigated by using GPS/RS integration also included in the system. It is expected that the establishment of this system can be fully structuralized and easily applied on managing Ah-Kon-Dan, Tseng-Wen and Mu-Dan watersheds management in southern Taiwan.


