  • 期刊


Analysis of Spatial Distribution of Shallow Geothermal Temperature by Using BME and SHEMAT in ILAN Plain


宜蘭地區為屬於變質岩類之地熱系統,其熱源主要來自較高的地溫梯度,約每公里可上升攝氏45~60度,較全球平均地溫梯度高出甚多,例如清水地熱、仁澤,以及位於中央山脈東側之土場。中央山脈有甚高的地溫梯度存在,加上高山峻嶺的地形配合,其谷底地面水位比高山中之地下水位低許多,因此在谷底形成了相當大的靜水壓力差,加上變質岩區的節理、片理、劈理等裂隙特別發達,因此,在中央山脈變質岩區的溫泉,以及熱能大多發生於山谷河床地區,適合於地熱之發展應用。本研究收集宜蘭平原淺層地熱溫度30口之水井溫度、熱流值,以及地溫梯度資料(江協堂,2010),包括深度從40公尺至200公尺不等之淺層溫度的分布資料。利用此30口淺層溫度配合水文地質資料,並以貝氏最大熵法(Bayesian Maximum Entropy Method),針對淺層溫度進行空間分析,探討宜蘭地區淺層地溫梯度空間分布情形,並與SHEMAT模式進行實務上的比較。


Ilan is the metamorphic area where the heat source comes from its high geothermal gradient of 45~60°C increment per kilometer, which is higher than the worldwide condition. For example, Chingshui geothermal field, Jentse and Tuchang areas are located at Central Range where high geothermal gradient exists. The lofty mountains and steep hills result in considerable pressure difference between mountain and lower valley. The geological structures are full of joint, schistosity, and cleavage in the metamorphic area. Therefore, hot spring and geothermal resources form in the valley of Central Range, especially suitable for geothermal development. This study focuses on development of geothermal resources distribution in shallow aquifers. Temperature of 30 wells has been collected (Chiang, 2010). The measurement depth of every well is from 40 to 200 meters. BME model is employed to simulate the spatial temperature distribution and to compare with SHEMAT model in Ilan Plain
