  • 期刊


Feasibility Study of the Implementation of Food ReliefFund in Taiwan


塑化劑事件發生暴露我國食品衛生安全管理漏洞,以及不肖業者貪婪,處處危害消費者健康以及國家秩序與聲譽。塑化劑事件雖造成民眾、社會與國家損害,但也是轉機,由此事件重新檢討政府應如何加強管理食品安全衛生及消費者權益應如何有效保障等問題。本文從消費者權益觀點,檢討現行法制環境是否能確實保護消費者權益,結論為民法第191-1 條、消費者保護法第7 條雖加重食品業者侵權責任,由過失責任、推定過失演進至無過失責任,食品衛生管理法也規定食品業者要全面投保食品安全責任險,但因為有瑕疵食品對人體健康危害無法類如藥物有立即與明顯反應,科學驗證不易,因此要證明消費者健康受害與有瑕疵食品之間具有因果關係,舉證非常困難,無論產品責任險或民法、消費者保護法都面臨不易舉證的困難,可見現行規範都無法確實做到保護消費者權益。食品安全衛生與社會生活息息相關,也重大影響民眾健康權益,我國食品安全衛生管理體制尚不健全,未來再次發生食品衛生事件機率不低。因此如何建構食品安全網及對於消費者權益救濟補償是目前重要工作,經參考先進國家對於食品安全管理與救濟措施後,本文認為日本所實施的SG 標記制度,最具參考價值,該制度由日本「消費生活用製品安全法」所催生,經政府輔導成立民間業者組成「財團法人製品安全協會」,該協會負責食品安全驗證、教育宣導、檢測以及救濟補償糾紛處理,經費來源自業者營收一定比例繳納費用,作為協會運作經費。平時做好食品安全檢測、驗證確保業者生產的食品安全以及消費者教育宣導,當發生食品安全事件就由該協會負責糾紛與補償救濟事宜,可以兼顧業者食品安全與消費者權益頗足參考價值。因此建議我國食品衛生管理法儘速增訂類如日本SG 標記制度的法源,比照藥害救濟法、空氣污染防制法等規定,由政府輔導成立財團法人負責食品安全檢測驗證、教育宣導救濟補償工作,經費則強制從食品業者營收收取一定比例的費用作為該財團法人運作經費。希望可以建立我國食品衛生與保護消費者健康權益的安全維護網。


The plasticizer-contaminated-food episode resulted by the greedy businessman has stirred a social storm in Taiwan that greatly endangered the consumers’ health and national order/reputation; and thus revealed a big loophole in ournational food safety administration. This crisis to the nation, people and society is also a turning point for a change toreview how the government should regulate the food safety and to effectively protect the consumers’ right. Even Article191-1 of Civil Law and Article 7 of Consumer Protection Law emphasize the tort liability of the food industry from fault, presumed fault liability to liability without fault; Food Sanitation Act also requests the food industry to purchase the product liability insurance, due to the difficulty to have scientific evidence to establish to causal relationship of the immediate response or harm to human health and the involved food, our conclusion is that the current legal system will not be able to provide sufficient protection to the consumers. Food safety is closely related to the daily life of our society. The current regulatory system for food safety in Taiwan is not able to provide enough protection to the consumers and the chance of future food safety incidence remains high. How to establish a food safety network systemand consumer right relief fund is a critical work at this moment. After studying the food safety system and relief plan in advanced countries, we consider the Japanese SG system is most appropriate reference approach to Taiwan. The SG system is formed under the ”Consumer Product Safety Act.” Non-profit Product Safety Association, under the supervision of government, is formed to be responsible for the food safety accreditation, education and promotion, safety inspection and relief while there’s any incidence. The funding comes from certain percentage of the industryrevenue. It thus balances the food safety liability of the industry and the protection of consumers’ right. The authors recommend adopting Japanese SG system into our food safety network through legislative approach and officially putting it into Food Sanitation Act such as Drug Relief Act or Air Pollution Prevention Act.




