  • 期刊


Discussion and Reflections on Equity of Access to Higher Education in Ireland


愛爾蘭公共經費支持大眾高等教育(Publicly-Funded Mass Higher Education)政策發展,主要是從1967年開始的中等教育階段免學費政策、1980年代創建技術學院(Institutes of Technology)體系後,開始大學校院免學費政策;愛爾蘭教育及技術部所列管提供高等教育服務之國立大學、技術學院及教育學院計29所,近年來亦有部分私立學院設立計14所,惟該國96%學生仍主要就讀於國立大學校院。愛爾蘭並以大學校院學生家戶年所得為標準,補助各類就學費用及生活費,達到學生安心就學教育目標。本研究運用文獻分析、文件分析法分別就愛爾蘭高等教育發展及相關免學費措施進行分析,據以瞭解各項推動因素對於相關主題影響。主要運用現有官方網站文件資料、執行成果報告等相關文件進行蒐集整理,期能精確掌握愛爾蘭高等教育發展方向,並運用教育部統計處大專校院統計資料,進行次級資料比較分析,瞭解臺灣大專校院學生就學、助學及補助現況,明確彰顯問題分析重點,呈現分析對象完整全貌,就研究結果提出二項具體可行建議:一、重新檢討公私立大學校院資源分配;二、重新檢討大學校院弱勢學生助學措施。


The publicly-funded mass higher education system in Ireland, with admissions mainly from the secondary education sector, began in 1967. In the 1980s, after creating the Institutes of technology system, the government launched tuition-free policy for attendance of universities. The number of national universities, institutes of technology and colleges of education providing higher education, that are regulated by the Department of Education and Skills of Ireland, is 29 in total. In recent years, the number of private colleges is 14. However, 96% of students in Ireland are still enrolled in national universities. All types of school fees and the cost of living was subsidized by the government in accordance to students' household income. By conducting a literature analysis and document analysis, this current study analyzes Irish higher education and tuition free policy to understand the impact of the relevant topics. It mainly uses publicly available documents, implementation reports and other relevant materials of existing official websites of Ireland to grasp the development of publicly-funded mass higher education. It shows a lateral longitudinal level policy in Ireland, presenting a analysis of objects of the research and the results. Additionally, it uses statistics of universities and colleges of the Department of Statistics of the Ministry of Education of Taiwan to conduct a comparative analysis of secondary data to investigate the current situation of students' enrollment, grants and subsidies in Taiwan's universities and colleges to identify the problems to be analyzed. Two feasible suggestions are offered: (1) Re-examining the allocation of resources for public and private universities and colleges; (2) Reviewing the measures of universities and colleges to aid disadvantaged students.


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