  • 學位論文


A study on the equity of access to higher education after its expansion in the United Kingdom.

指導教授 : 楊瑩


論文提要內容: 本研究採用文件分析法來進行,旨在研究英國高等教育擴充後入學機會公平性之情形與現況,本研究主要目的包含: 一、釐清高等教育機會公平之相關概念。 二、分析英國高等教育重要政策之改革,及高等教育之沿革發展。 三、探討英國高等教育機會擴充後其高等教育機會的公平性情形。 四、分析英國近年來高等教育學費政策之變革及對高等教育入學機會之影響。 五、根據研究結果,提出可供我國未來相關政策改革之參考建議。 本研究之主要結論共可歸納如下: 壹、英國高等教育特色 一、英國高等教育已從傳統的菁英型態,發展至大眾化及邁向普及化型態。 二、高等教育機會公平一直是英國政府及社會大眾關注的議題,其大學學費政策之調整,均以照顧弱勢家庭子女為優先配套措施。 三、在尊重學術自主的原則下,英國大學對學生的入學選擇,有充分的自主。 四、英國大學雖各自為學術自主之機構,但學生之入學申請是透過大學入學許可服務中心(UCAS)統整辦理 五、為配合歐盟政策,英國亦建立其國家資歷架構,但各地區之資歷架構因應其學制之不同,而有差異。 六、英國大學之入學選擇,已配合資歷架構對職業資歷之採認對照,突破往昔純粹以學術取向的GCE成績為參考依據。 貳、英國高等教育機會公平性情形 一、因為高等教育機會大幅擴充,英國學生就讀高等教育之機會已隨之明顯增加。 二、就性別而言,女性之高等教育參與率較男性為高。 三、就家庭社經背景而言,雖然各階層家庭子女之高等教育就讀人數均有增加,但家庭社經背景較佳之子女仍居於優勢。 四、就畢業中學學校類型而言,從選擇性中學畢業之學生繼續就讀高等教育之比率仍居於優勢。


This study aims, via using the method of document analysis and literature reviews, to explore the equity of access to higher education after its expansion in the United Kingdom. The main conclusions of this study can be summarized as follow: Ι. As to the development of higher education in the United Kingdom. 1.Higher education in the United Kingdom has changed from the traditional ‘elite’ type towards the ‘universal’ type, and opportunities of studying in the Higher Education Institutions (HEIs) have been expanded for all. 2.The equity of access to higher education has been an important issue in the UK, and the policy of rising the universities tuition fees has always been taking the policies of financial assistance of the disadvantaged students into consideration. 3. Based on the academic autonomy of the universities, the selection or recruitment of students has been the right of the universities, but the students’ application for admission has been processed by the UCAS. 4. The United Kingdom has, in accordance with the policy of the European union, constructed its national qualification frameworks throughout the countries, though differences remain between different countries in the U.K., due to the different educational systems among different countries. 5. Based on the national qualification framework, the qualifications for applying to universities include academic qualification, such as GCE A level, etc, and various vocational qualifications. ΙΙ. As to the equity of access to higher education in the United Kingdom, it is found that inequities or inequalities still exist in terms of the students’ family social backgrounds(SES), the types of high schools they studied, such as selective schools (e. g., grammar, or independent schools) or non-selective (comprehensive schools), and sex.




