  • 期刊


A Study on the Legitimacy of Child Care provision of Short-term Tutorial Centers




Recently some short-term tutorial centers have begun to both offer fulltime child care provision for children under six years and manage preschool-like educare services, and even recruit young children in the preschool sector, which has resulted in some confusion among parents. This study explores the legitimacy of provision offered by short-term tutorial centers Furthermore, this study analyzes the legitimacy of short-term tutorial centers managing preschool-like educare services. The findings of this study are as follows: 1. The existing Supplementary Education Act does not prohibit short-term tutorial centers from taking care of young children under six years old full-time; 2. in accordance with the Supplementary Education Act, short-term tutorial centers managing preschool-like educare services should be penalized, but not in accordance with the Early Childhood Education and Care Act. Based on the findings, this study offered the following suggestions: 1. adapting the Supplementary Education Act to prohibit short-term tutorial centers from taking care of young children under six years old full-time; 2. implementing a Supplementary Education Act to rehabilitate the establishment of business permit; 3. establishing penal provisions in local self-government ordinances to prohibit short-term tutorial centers from managing preschool-like educare services.


大法官釋字第402 號(1996)。司法院。取自http://www.judicial.gov.tw/constitutionalcourt/p03_01.asp?expno=402
大法官釋字第 443 號(1997)。司法院。取自http://www.judicial.gov.tw/constitutionalcourt/p03_01.asp?expno=443
大法官釋字第 503 號(2000)。司法院。取自http://www.judicial.gov.tw/constitutionalcourt/p03_01.asp?expno=503
大法官釋字第 659 號(2009)。司法院。取自http://www.judicial.gov.tw/constitutionalcourt/p03_01.asp?expno=659
中華民國憲法(1947 年1 月1 日)。中華民國國民大會。取自http://law.moj.gov.tw/LawClass/LawAll.aspx?PCode=A0000001
