  • 期刊


Effects of Yoga Exercise on Low Back Pain Score and Quality of Life for Pregnant Women


本研究架構主要是針對懷孕婦女懷孕時所呈現出身體心理的症狀,進行運動介入,懷孕對婦女來說是一段辛苦的過程,若能在孕期中介入放鬆的運動,對孕婦本身的身體症狀應會有所減緩,生活品質滿意度也有改善。本研究主要是想了解瑜珈運動對改善孕婦下背疼痛及生活品質滿意度的探討成效,研究採兩組前後測類實驗研究設計,於台北某區域教學醫院進行收案,並採個案意願分派為實驗組與對照組,對照組(n=30)則於懷孕20-24週給予一般常規護理指導,實驗組(n=30)則介入每週兩次,每次60分鐘,共四週之瑜珈運動。兩組分別於20-24週與28-32週期間完成視覺類比量表(Visual Analogue Scale:VAS)、及生活品質滿意度測量。本研究結果:妊娠為20-24週(含20週),進行研究執行前及4週後疼痛指數(VAS)調查,實驗組下背痛疼痛指數VAS由5.63±0.55(p<.005***)四週後2.40±0.563疼痛指數有減緩之顯著差異;生活品質經運動介入後品質非常不好20%降至0%;品質滿意度好的有10%上升為50% (p<.005***)。本研究結果瞭解經由瑜珈運動可以改善孕婦因懷孕造成孕期身心不適症狀,建議醫療照護人員若能早期瞭解孕婦預期症狀,即早提供協助懷孕婦女提供正確知識,即可防範孕婦孕期時之疼痛及心理的症狀,進而可增加婦女懷孕的生活品質減緩產後發生憂鬱的機率。


The purpose of this study was to investigate the effect of yoga exercise on the pregnant women with lower back pain .The study employed a Quasi-experimental research design in with 60 pregnant women (yoga exercise group 30;control group30) pregnancy 20-24 weeks were purposively sampled from one northern regional teaching hospital .The yoga exercise program was practiced by the exercise group two times per week for a consecutive 4 period each 60 minute yoga exercise. The results of the study are as the following : first after having yoga exercise for 4 weeks the pregnant women in experimental group respond significantly faster than those in controlled group in VAS(p<.005***) and increase Quality of Life satisfaction score (p<.005***) .The finding of this study supported that the yoga exercise program are reducing low back pain and increase Quality of Life.
