  • 期刊


The Mechanism of Believing: What is Political Myth?




The dualism of Descartes is a basic presumption of the ”rational man”, however, in the reality we can not find such a completely rational man. The underlying article has a different view in contrast to the recently prevalent rational choice theories. Instead, it puts the emphasis on the ”irrationality” in political life. For the discussion of irrationality this article will inquire the phenomena of political myth.In fact, many scholars connected myth with ”unconscious”. But since the physiological mechanism of unconscious was previously a ”black box”, the investigations into political myth usually employed hermeneutical and descriptive methods, and were not persuasive with scientific objectivity.Now, with the great advances of psychology and neurophysiology, we have more evidences which can prove that complex cognition behaviors without self-awareness are possible. ”Unconscious” could no longer be the black box which we can not see through, and this helps us to explain why people believe something that seems ”incredible”.The underlying article would begin with the discussion on the traditionally inaccurate definitions of political myth. Then, with the ideas of the psychological ”adaptive unconscious” of Timothy Wilson and of the neurophysiological gradiest theory of Elkhonon Goldberg, this article would explore the nature of myth in order to define ”political myth” from a genetic viewpoint.


