  • 期刊


The Analysis of Structure Formation and Transformation of Consumer Society in Taiwan (1980-2000)




This paper aims to analyze the formation and transformation of consumption structure, which has been stratified on differently social dimensions before the crisis of financial tsunami. Based on the integration of the thesis of consumer society with it of affluent society, this analysis has successfully verified three hypotheses. In according to comparison of data of ”the survey of family income and expenditure in Taiwan area of Republic of China” 1980, 1985, 1990, 1995 and 2000, this paper concludes that the consumer society in Taiwan has already been constructed from 1980 to 2000.There are three characteristics of the consumer society in Taiwan: (1) the items of necessary consumption have definitely decreased, whereas these of status consumption have definitely decreased, and these two kinds of consumption have continually closed to each other. At the same time, status consumption of towns is gradually akin to it of cities. (2) Behind the trend of consumption expenditure in 20years, there emerges the noticed social inequality: the store education expenditure must cost the lower income households. (3) In 20 years, Percentage share of the consumption expenditure over the disposable income per household has cumulatively grown upward. In spite of this, the construction of status consumption has step by step released from the social stratification of income, education and occupation.Lastly, compared to the worse development of inequality of income distribution by household in Taiwan from year 1980 to year 2000, there on the counterpart has also emerged the social inequality of consumption construction. This development of social inequality has to be concerned and researched by related economies policy and social security policy, which can involve with sociologically theoretical thinking and insights.
