  • 期刊


Is the Sociology of Artworks Possible? A Theoretical Essay


「作品社會學如何可能?」這個問題始於1985年在法國馬賽(Marseille)舉行的一場藝術社會學的研討會之中,並於1999年在格諾伯勒(Grenoble)舉行了一場聚焦於「作品社會學」的研討會。至此,作品社會學才正式成為法國社會學界所關注的問題意識。Jean-Pierre Esquenazi並2007年出版了《作品社會學,從生產到詮釋》一書,書中探討了作品的社會學問題意識、相關理論脈絡,甚至提出了方法論、研究方法及其實際應用的範例。自此,「作品社會學」似乎開始能夠從藝術社會學中獨立出來,而成為一門更專門的研究領域。然而,Esquenazi及其作品社會學卻仍有其瓶頸。如果我們說,目前的藝術社會學僅對作品的外部,也就是對作品的「社會過程」進行分析,那麼Esquenazi的研究在某種程度上亦難以倖免。他對作品的全析分為三階段,一、生產;二、宣示企圖要成為「作品」;三、作品被公眾所詮釋。也就是說,其分析內容在很大程度上仍聚焦於作品本身之外的社會過程及社會結構。本研究將從當代的藝術社會學出發,陳述Bourdieu、Heinich等人的藝術社會學對於「作品」的社會學分析之脈絡,並重新審視Esquenazi所謂的「作品社會學」是否可能,並試圖探究其侷限。


作品 社會過程 藝術社會學


The problematic of the sociology of artworks began in 1985 in a seminar of sociology, held in Marseille, France. And in 1999, another seminar which focuses on "the sociology of artworks" was held at Grenoble, France. Thus, from 1999, the sociology of artworks became a new problem of concern in the field of sociology of art in France. Thus, in 2007, Jean-Pierre Esquenazi published his book "Sociology of Artworks: from Production to Interpretation", which explores the sociological awareness of the artworks. In this book, he proposes his theory, methodology and methods of sociology of artworks, and even their practical application examples Therefore, the sociology of artworks seems to be able to separate out from the sociology of art and to become a specialized field of sociological study However, his scheme of sociology of artworks still has its limitations. In this article, we introduce the whole concept and its central concern of sociology of artworks of Esquenazi, and try to explore its limitations by presenting the dilemma between the inherent criteria of sociology and the attempt of sociological analysis of artworks.


artworks social process sociology of art


