  • 期刊

The Effectiveness of Indirect and Metalinguistic Comprehensive Feedback on EFL Students' L2 Paragraph Writing



Corrective feedback in L2 writing has been a contentious issue for the past few decades. Many studies have been undertaken to more fully understand when and how corrective feedback is useful for both teachers and students. The present study aims to add to the literature by investigating the effectiveness of two kinds of comprehensive corrective feedback on Taiwanese EFL learners' paragraph writing. Two experimental groups were given either indirect coded corrective feedback or indirect metalinguistic corrective feedback. Detailed examination of their improvement in different grammatical categories by means of two-way repeated measures ANOVAs revealed that there was no significant effect for the different treatments on either paragraph revision or writing new paragraphs, but there were significant effects over time, which shows that the type of feedback did not make a difference, but that feedback alone or writing practice alone helped students improve in certain grammatical categories. These results should be helpful to EFL writing teachers using these corrective feedback strategies.




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