  • 期刊


From Ru pai sansheng to Ru dai pingsheng and Ru dai sansheng: A Discussion of the Principles Informing Entering Tones in Qü Composition




The differences between the rhymes used in northern and southern traditional drama hinge upon entering tones. In northern traditional drama, entering tones are recategorized into level, rising, and departing tones, whereas they are independent in southern traditional drama. These differences become manifest in the accommodation of rhymes and tonal patterns. In northern traditional drama, for example, it is called yi ru zuoping when characters with entering tones are used as level tones. Zhu Quan (1378-1448) marks this as zuoping in his Taihe zhengyin pu (The Formulary of Correct Sounds for Great Harmony). However, in southern traditional drama, characters with entering tones are used to replace those with level tones, a practice called ru dai pingsheng or yi ru daiping. In Shen Jing's (1553-1610) Zengding nan-jiu-gong qüpu (Supplement to the Southern Nine First Notes Music Book), the replacement of tones in southern traditional drama is also called zuoping, although it is completely different from that used in the northern tradition. Wang Jide's (1560?-1623) "Lun pingze" (Discussion of Tonal Patterns) in the Qülü points out that Shen Jing was referring to yi ru daiping, meaning characters with entering tones that replaced level, rising, and departing tones when no characters with these three tones were suitable. Hence, in this article, ru dai sansheng is used to refer to the new conception advanced by Wang, as this idea plays a key role in the development of entering-tone composition in southern traditional drama. Ru pai sansheng, ru dai pingsheng, and ru dai sansheng in qü composition are only clearly revealed when the music books of southern and northern traditional drama are compared. They were originally regarded as theories of composition, and only later became incorporated into northern and southern duqü theory. This article discusses related discourses about drama from the Yuan, Ming and Qing dynasties that concern theories of composition and duqü in an effort to clarify several critical concepts. It investigates the principles informing entering tones in qü composition through an analysis of ru pai sansheng, ru dai pingsheng and ru dai sansheng. In so doing, this article aims to highlight the academic importance of qü studies from a historical perspective.


