  • 期刊


A Comparative Study of the Gaoyou Wangs' Arguments on the Zhouyi




The Gaoyou Wangs' 高郵王氏 studies of the Zhouyi 周易 mark the zenith of the semantic approach to exegesis in Qing dynasty Yi learning. The Wangs' interpretation of the Zhouyi was firmly based in the text and its context. They not only rejected the exegetical approach employed by the Han dynasty image and number school, but they also criticized the meaning and pattern (yili 義理) position for being detached from the text. In addition, they emphasized the essentiality of semantics and collation as the ground for exegesis, as well as the importance of referring to examples from the whole text in order to ensure the accuracy of the interpretation. In such ways, they argued that variances in Zhouyi exegesis could be lessened. There was undoubtedly transmission and consistency between Wang Yinzhi's 王引之 interpretation and that of his father, Wang Niansun 王念孫; however, it is also possible to discern some slight differences in their emphases in juan two of the Jingyi shuwen, Zhouyi 經義述聞.周易. Whereas Wang Niansun primarily emphasised semantics in his exegesis, Wang Yinzhi tended to consult both semantics and the image and numerology approach, and he also critically reviewed the Yi learning of the Han and Wei dynasties. Furthermore, Wang Yinzhi surpassed his father in the study of the Zhouyi in several respects. In the thirty-two juan Jingyi shuwen.Zhouyi, only seventeen of the 106 entries were written solely by Wang Niansun, which was the fewest number of entries he composed in the books they compiled together. The low number was not a coincidence; the Wangs' critical commentary on the Zhouyi was predominantly written by Yinzhi, who was responsible for adjusting the direction of their studies. By exploring and comparing the Wangs' different emphases and methods in the exegesis of the Zhouyi at different stages, this article seeks to elucidate the divergences in their approaches to the Zhouyi.


〔漢〕許慎撰,〔清〕段玉裁注,許惟賢整理,《說文解字注》,南京:鳳凰出版社,2012 年。
〔魏〕王弼著,〔晉〕韓康伯注,〔唐〕陸德明釋文,《宋本周易》,北京:國家圖書館出版社,2017 年。
〔魏〕王弼注,〔唐〕孔穎達疏,《周易正義》,收入〔清〕阮元校勘,李學勤主編,《十三經注疏》,臺北:臺灣古籍出版社,2002 年。
