  • 期刊


Fugue, Rewriting and Transformation: On Zheng Chouyu in the 1950s




現代抒情詩 現代性 抒情性


This article analyzes how one of the most important poets in Taiwan after World War II, Zheng Chouyu 鄭愁予, created purity and beauty in his work "In Dreamland 夢土上," and heralded the advent of the modern lyric. Specifically, I examine how Zheng was influenced by both trends in Chinese lyrics and the Taiwan Modernist School movement. Through detailed historical research and aesthetic analysis, I show how the first issue of Modern Poetry Quarterly 現代詩季刊 (February, 1953) as well as the establishment of the "Modernist School" 現代派 (January, 1956) helped Zheng achieve a breakthrough and improve his poetic skills. In addition, the nature of Zheng's poems was influenced by poetic trends from China during the 1930s and 40s, which he consulted in the construction of his poetic wording and lyrical style. The former encouraged him to modernize his lyrical techniques, while the latter served to initiate the integration of modernity and lyrics in his works.


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