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Using Literary Works and Paintings to Interpret Garden Spaces - The Case of the Jichang Yuan




In the late Ming dynasty, garden construction was prevalent among members of the literati community. In constructing a garden, the owner imbued the spaces found therein with meaning. When guests visited the garden, in addition to composing prose and poems, they also painted pictures to express their feelings and their perceptions of it. The spatial significance of the garden was continued and enlarged through the abovementioned activities between the host and his guests. Moreover, the image of the host and the interaction between the host and his guests was portrayed through these writings and paintings. In this article, I take the Jichang yuan 寄暢園 (Garden of Entrusting Delight) as an example, and attempt to interpret the garden's spatial meaning through a mutual reading of literary works and paintings. I try to understand how literati established the spatial meaning of gardens through writing and painting, and moreover seek to reveal the interaction between garden writing and painting during the late Ming.


〔漢〕王逸章句,〔宋〕洪興祖補注,《楚辭補注》,上海:上海商務印書館,1936 年。
〔漢〕趙岐注,〔宋〕孫奭疏,〔清〕阮元校刻,《孟子注疏》,臺北:中華書局,1965 年。
〔魏〕王弼、韓康伯注,〔唐〕孔穎達正義,〔清〕阮元校刻,《周易正義》,臺北:中華書局,1965 年。
〔魏〕何晏等注,〔宋〕邢昺疏,〔清〕阮元校刻,《論語注疏》,臺北:中華書局,1965 年。
