  • 期刊


Studies on Adulteration and Misusage of Wolfberry Rootbark in Market


地骨皮為常用中藥村,始載於『神農本草經』,列為上品,有涼血除蒸、清肺降火之效。地骨皮藥材之基原為茄科(Solanaceae)植物枸杞Lycium chinense Mill.與寧夏枸杞Lycium barbarium L.之乾燥根皮。過去對於地骨皮藥材之生藥鑑別研究較少,且隨著市場需求增加,爲確保地骨皮用藥之正確性,防止偽品或代用品影響療效與安全,進行市售地骨皮藥村之基原鑑定。本計畫之檢體係由中藥廠及臺北、台中、高雄地區之中藥房採逢機取樣方式價購,檢體共計46件。以生藥學方法鑑別,與文獻比對外,並配合分子生物學鑑別法,進行基原鑑定,以期建立一系列完整之鑑別方法。結果顯示購自中藥廠之15件檢體中,15件均為枸杞Lycium chinense Mill.;中藥房31件檢體中,16件為枸杞Lycium chinense Mill.,其餘15件基原混雜或未知而待再鑑定。由結果可知,市售地骨皮藥材約三分之一基原混雜,且具非藥用部位過多之情形,應加強地骨皮藥材品質之管理,才能確保全民用藥之安全,進而提升療效與品質。本研究建立地骨皮藥材之鑑別方法,可供衛生主管機關、藥廠或中藥業界用藥之參考。


地骨皮 枸杞 寧夏枸杞 鑑別


Methods of anatomy and morphology were used to identify the authenficity of commercial wolfberry rootbark in Taiwan, whose botanical origin is dried rootbark of Lycium chinense Mill. and Lycium barbarium L. (Solanaceae). Wolfberry rootbark was recorded as superior category of Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) in Shennong Bencaojing (Classic of Herbal Medicine) at the earliest. It is classified as heat-clearing formula used for draining fire, and cooling blood of human body. According to current reports, there are adulterants of wolfberry rootbark appearing in China gradually. In order to assure the safety of consumers and the quality of TCM in Taiwan, forty-six commercial samples were collected and tested. The results showed that 31 out 46 samples (67%) were Lycium chinense Mill., and the origin of the other 15 samples (33%) were unknown which are not only chaos, but also with misused xylem part of wolfberry rootbark. Based on the results, it is necessary to enhance the regulation in order to improve the quality of commercial wolfberry rootbark.

