  • 期刊


The Progress of HACCP Certificated Program Carried out in Food and Beverage Industry in Taiwan


危害分析重要管制點(Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Point,HACCP)系統制度,已是世界各國公認為最佳的食品安全管理系統。我國於1998年7月開始,將HACCP系統制度輔導應用於餐食製造業者,行政院衛生署於2007年9月公告餐食製造工廠依其規模大小,分三階段實施HACCP制度,2010年9月後即已全面實施。此外,該署為推廣餐飲業衛生優良標章政策,於2009年8月辦理自願性「餐飲業HACCP衛生評鑑制度」,通過者並核發證明書及標章。該制度依餐飲業者特性分為二類,分別為餐食製造業及餐飲服務業。截至2011年2月,餐食製造業已通過156家,餐飲服務業75家。2010年為正式推行HACCP衛生評鑑制度的第一年,餐食製造業部分,通過者已佔該業別的84%;而餐飲服務業也已接近原來先期輔導的家數達88%。


Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Point (HACCP) is internationally recognized as the best system for ensuring food safety. It has been promoted and implemented voluntarily in catering industry in Taiwan since July 1998. In 2007, Department of Health, Taiwan announced that HACCP shall be carried in the catering industry after September 2010. The Department not only set the mandatory regulations but also promoted another voluntary HACCP assessment program in food and beverage industry. A certificate and an approval logo of HACCP are issued once the industry passes the inspection under the assessment program. This program covers two food industry categories including catering plants and foodservice premises. Up to March 2011, 156 catering plants and 75 foodservice premises were granted with the certificates. Even though it was the first year the HACCP assessment program was launched, 84% of catering plants and 88% of the foodservice premises passed the pilot HACCP program.


