  • 期刊


Result Analysis of Specific Inspection Project on Domestic Pharmaceutical Manufacturers




The post-marketing on-going stability studies of the medicinal product should be conducted throughout its shelf life to ensure that, the product specification can be maintained under the labelled storage condition. Since 2017, the Taiwan Food and Drug Administration (TFDA) started an inspection project to focus on the implementing on-going stability studies and data integrity of domestic pharmaceutical manufacturers. This study collected and analyzed data from 109 inspections and 206 samples tested against their specification from 2017 to 2020. The results showed that 16 samples failed to meet established specification. The pharmaceutical manufacturers of those medicinal products were required to initiate product recall promptly and followed the investigation to take appropriate and effective corrective and preventive actions. By performing inspection project, sampling and testing, TFDA supervises the domestic manufacturers to implement post-marketing on-going stability programs, and advance the management of the pharmaceutical manufacturers to ensure medicinal products' safety and quality supplied to the public in Taiwan.
