  • 期刊


The Definition and Labelling Requirements on Small Packaged Food: A Global Overview


小包裝食品由於可標示面積有限,若要依照法規要求,將所有項目標示,且清晰可辨,有其難度,本篇綜論收集國際食品法典(Codex)、美國、加拿大、歐盟、紐澳、日本、韓國的食品包裝法規,比較各國對小包裝食品的定義及豁免標示項目,並與臺灣公告《小包裝食品免一部標示規定》比較。各國對於小包裝的定義及標示規定有差異,部分國家以包裝總面積定義小包裝食品。有些國家則以最大可標示面積定義小包裝食品,Codex、歐盟以最大表面積小於10 cm^2視為小包裝食品。韓國及臺灣分別是以外包裝最大表面積不足30 cm^2及20 cm^2。而日本則定義為可標示面積小於30 cm^2。對於可以豁免標示的項目,各國也有差異,但多數皆可豁免標示內容物、食品添加物及營養標示。綜上所述,各國對小包裝食品之定義略有差異,大多要求小包裝食品應標示品名、淨重、廠商資訊、原產地(國)、有效日期等資訊,以確保消費者能於購物過程中獲取足夠的產品資訊,充分保障消費者知的權益。


小包裝食品 食品標示 豁免


Small packaged foods, due to their limited indicatable area, are difficult to place all items in accordance with regulatory requirements and to be clearly identifiable. Therefore, this review paper evaluated the food packaging regulations from CODEX Alimentarius, the United States, Canada, the European Union, Australia, New Zealand, Japan, South Korea, and Taiwan. The definitions and labelling exemptions of the small packaged foods were compared and discussed. The results found that definitions and labelling requirements varied from country to country. Some countries defined small packaged foods based on the total packing area, mostly less than 100 cm^2. Certain countries defined small packaged foods by their maximum indicatable area. CODEX and the European Union considered small packaged foods as a maximum surface area of less than 10 cm^2. South Korea and Taiwan ware defined as less than 20 cm^2 and 30 cm^2, respectively. On the other hand, Japan defined as a declarable area of less than 30 cm^2. There were also differences among countries for labelling items that can be exempted, but most are exempted from labelling ingredient names, additives and nutrition facts. In summary, the definitions of the small packaged foods in each country were different. Most countries require the product name, the net quantity of contents, the name of the manufacture, country of origin and expiration date to ensure that consumers were able to obtain sufficient product informations.


Small package food Food labelling Exemption
