  • 期刊

Product Placement in Video Game



A concept of the article bases on Liang’s (2006) nine types of product placement in games to explore what types of product placement are used in e-sport game market. The result revealed that to set brand information into game scenes, to added virtual equipment with brand information, and to set billboard advertising are often utilized in games. Gamers can efficiently convey brand images and attitudes into their mind during entertaining process, so that brands extension to maximize the marketing effect. Moreover, to embed brand slogan or music of product placement might be less utilize in the current market and doesn’t mean it is not good type of product placement. Maybe there are many types of product placement undiscovered that can attract consumer views. Game designers have to continue working on product placement to create better ways to catch consumer sight. Future researchers may work on the topic- whether multiple brands placement in a game diluted or consolidated brand equities.


Brand Product placement video game


本文建立在Liang (2006)關於“電子遊戲中九種廣告融合方式”的研究基礎上探討不同類型的廣告在電子運動類遊戲中的運用。調查結果顯示,在遊戲場景中增添品牌資訊,添置具有品牌資訊的虛擬裝備,設置看板等都是電子遊戲中廣告設計常用的方式。通過這些方式,讓玩家在玩樂過程中也能有效記住品牌形象和性格,從而最大限度的延伸品牌行銷的市場效應。此外,在當前品牌廣告市場中,雖然融入品牌口號或者音樂的廣告不常見,但並不意味著這種方式創造不出優秀的廣告,最吸引人的廣告還未被設計出來。因此,遊戲的開發仍然需要努力尋找更加吸引玩家關注的廣告融合方式。至於未來則應該致力於研究,一個遊戲中若同時出現多則廣告,是稀釋玩家注意力還是增強廣告收入的問題。


品牌 廣告 電子遊戲

