  • 期刊


New Immigrant Females and Economic Crisis-Using the Case of Vietnamese Spouses as an Example


新移民女性在台已有相當的數量,本研究主要在探討自2007年12月以來經濟危機對這個人口群的影響,這個人口群如何「理解」經濟危機的影響及用何種策略去因應。本研究先收集這個人口群近年來人數的異動,再深度訪談七位越南籍新移民。 研究發現有三:第一,經過深度訪談,因婚姻及婆媳關係不合的新移民,呼應之前的研究,經歷了台灣夢碎的第一次危機而發展出因應策略;第二,訪談亦發現新移民均經歷了經濟危機而瞭解周邊人就業的困境及自己生活上的受影響,如生活必須節儉及因收入減少影響感情或爭吵,亦可算來台生活的第二次危機,但她們仍堅持不回去越南,而發展出因應策略;第三,多數受訪者對政府與民間公私部門所提供的社會資源仍不甚了解,也對台灣的政府與社會有期待。 最後,本研究提出社會工作應對這群一心留台的新移民,從其個人層面及集體層面提供策略性協助,而塑造出互相包容、尊重的文化。


Transnational marriages in Taiwan have accumulated to a certain number through the years. This study explores how the economic tsunami since Dec. 2007 has affected these female immigrants and how they ”understood” and ”coped with” the crisis. This study uses the government's statistics to discuss the relationship between economic crisis and the number of marriage migration to Taiwan. In-depth interviews were conducted to interview seven Vietnamese female immigrants to acquire their ”understanding” and ”coping strategy” of the economic crisis. There are three research findings: (1) After the in-depth interviews, it confirmed the previous research finding that the immigrant females experienced the ”broken dream of Taiwan” and had the first life crisis in Taiwan. The broken dream was due to the bad relationship either with their husbands or mothers-in-law. (2) The interview also found that the economic crisis induced the second life crisis of the immigrant females in Taiwan. These females experienced the unemployment or decreased wage of their own, as well as their spouses, relatives and friends. They had to live a more ”thrifty” life, and often had quarrels with husbands because of decreased income. However, they still decided to stay in Taiwan (in contrast to going back to Vietnam) and developed coping strategies. (3) It showed that many of the immigrant females were not fully informed of the social services provided by the government and NGOs. Finally, this study raises the issue that social workers should provide strategic help to the immigrant females both from the personal and collective perspectives. It is hoped to create a culture of mutual ”tolerance” and ”respect” in the future.


