  • 期刊


Psychology and Psychologistaion: Critical Foucauldian Perspectives


本講稿穿插論述和個人經驗書寫,分析複雜的日常實例,討論傅柯理論如何被借用來討論心理學及其運用上的問題。傅柯方法論著重歷史脈絡化、去陌生化、批判論述,其理論啟發英國對於心理學的批判性爭辯,關於什麼是心理學,心理學的工作是什麼,我們怎麼使用心理學。從傅柯理論來看,心理學一直是現代性的規訓產物,發展管理(測試)技術,達成極佳的監控、校準和控制。心理學不只把個人和群體分類並隔離開來,也形塑了理想中的主體樣貌:規訓和告解的完美結合。雖然後現代理論和女性主義紛紛對傅柯理論提出修正和批判,當我們面對高度全球化和新自由主義,傅柯描述的法治和生命政治兩類權力形式交疊,依舊能夠幫助我們理解當代規訓和煽動如何變換不同形式出現。Burman透過自己熟悉的教育研究領域,舉例當代社會展現的幾項心理化文化:陰性化的情感論述、教育式國家的危機與轉機。前者直指企業文化使用情感和理智開展了一種公有和私領域空間的管理術;後者指國家和公民的關係。新自由主義形式的治理決定公民主體的位置,國家如同教學者透過「象徵控制」(symbolic control),製造主流論述、維持國家的法治地位,並且傳輸意識型態、認同和慾望。然而教育式轉向的轉機在於,當教育學不再預設什麼是該學習的內涵,因而除權棄絕對學習者主體地位的掌控,我們看到學問領域知識互為所用。理論和實務結合,正是呼應傅柯思考不同形式政治實踐的可能性。


This address, which was intertwined with theoretical description and writing of personal experience, aimed to discuss how Foucauldian discourse can be applied to psychology. Foucauldian discourse as a methodology focuses on historicisation, denaturalisation and critical reconstruction, and all of these have been useful in inspiring British critical psychology. Foucault formed a key node in the repertoire of critical theorists who have instituted a radical swerve or twist on the discursive turn in psychology. From the Foucauldian viewpoint, psychology was (and still is), by this account, the modern discipline par excellence of surveillance, calibration and control, oriented around a technology of administration (testing), that not only classifies and segregates individuals and populations but also produces forms of being, subjects, in its image: a perfect nexus of regulation and confession. Although Foucauldian concepts have been challenged by postmodern theory and Feminism, the juridical and biopolitical forms of power that he identified still help us to see through social conditions brought by globalization and neo-liberalism. In this address, social conditions were exemplified by two aspects. Both contain risk and rebirth. One is feminization. It is the discourse of emotion that has acquired particular currency in recent times, with claims of passionate enthusiasm now mandatory in the UK for every job application, and emotional literacy and occupying educational and business institutions. The other one is the pedagogical state, an extending form of educational governance beyond the formal structures of schooling. This neoliberal forms of governing determine citizen subject positions, as the 'symbolic control' by which pedagogues produce and maintain dominant discourses and forms of legitimate for the state, and transmit forms of consciousness, identity and desire. However, if we can find other models of pedagogy that do not presume or aim to shape what is to be learnt, and so foreclose the subject of the learner, the disciplinary circle of citation goes round again. This is the diversity of political practice which Foucault had searched for.
