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When False Claims Take Root Do Corrections Matter? A Preliminary Study on Third-Party Fact-Checking Mechanisms




In response to the issue of fake news having recently received wide attention and stimulated intense global concern, several leading online and social media platforms have partnered with third-party fact-checking organizations to flag news content and evaluate its accuracy. However, increasing controversy exists regarding the impact and efficacy of fact-checking and the existence of an associated backfire effect. This study systematically examines the research on information correction and the backfire effect, identifies the possible impacts of fact-checking, and discusses the current practice of third-party fact-checking mechanisms in the U.S. Through analysis of secondary data and textual analysis, this study concludes that the current operating principles of fact-checking and the presentation of the results of such fact-checking in the U.S. correspond partly to the research findings regarding the backfire effect. More research is needed to further evaluate the practice and strategies of fact-checking to enhance the positive impact of information correction.


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