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Republic Models: Hu Shi and His Era


所謂民國範兒(Republic Models)主要指的是民國時期以胡適、蔡元培、陳獨秀、李大釗等人所領導的新文化運動菁英(狹義上指有政治意含的五四運動)。胡適的白話文運動影響了所有中國人的思考與書寫方式,而他所提倡的自由主義,在臺灣解嚴後似乎有了較為具體的實踐。至於陳獨秀的共產主義,強調國家的總體意志,採取群眾運動及革命的方式展現。1949年之後,有一群知識分子在臺灣創辦《自由中國》雜誌,闡述自由主義的理想並批評時政,當1960年雷震等人被捕,胡適與成舍我展開營救活動最力,尤其本文參考最新文獻,發現胡適於1960年雷案發生後,積極敦促美國媒體大亨亨利.魯斯(Henry Luce)出面營救,一改以往對胡適在雷案無所作為之刻板印象。


民國範兒 胡適 成舍我 雷震 亨利.魯斯


Republic Models mainly refer to a kind of temperament and spirit exhibited by Hu Shi, Cai Yuanpei, Chen Duxiu, and other prominent contributors to the formation of the Republic of China, as well as elite figures from contemporary cultural movements. Hu Shi's vernacular movement influenced the ways of thinking and writing of all Chinese people, and although the liberalism he advocated came to fruition only after the end of Taiwan's martial law era, it was influential from much earlier times. The magazine Free China, founded in 1949, typifies the ways in which Hu Shi's ideas gained currency. In 1960, Lei Zhen, one of the founders of the magazine, was arrested along with others. Hu Shi responded by urging the American magazine magnate, Henry Luce, to come to their rescue, challenging previous stereotypes around Hu Shi being inactive in such cases. Cheng She-Wo actively used relationships to calm tensions, signed a joint request for a presidential pardon, and often visited the prisoners, all of which represented practical actions. In the context of the May Fourth Movement, Hu Shi and Cheng She-wo are rare examples of "Republic Models" who had the strength to defend liberal ideals.


Republic Models Hu Shih Cheng She-Wo Lei Zhen Henry Luce


世新大學舍我紀念館(n.d.)。〈認識成舍我〉。取自 http://csw.shu.edu.tw/Article/biography
李石曾(1933 年 10 月 22 日)。〈介紹兩位能排能寫的老同志〉,《世界日報》,第 7 版。
