  • 期刊


Investigating Audit Partner Signature Styles on Audit Reports: Perspectives from Judiciary Practitioners and Securities Agents




This study surveys perceptions of how much accountability should be shouldered by audit partners when signing audit reports under different signature systems among both judiciary practitioners and securities regulatory agents. This study seeks to understand whether differences exist in auditor accountability among the dual signature system (currently adopted in Taiwan), the system currently adopted in the US (only endorsement of the audit firm is required) and the single signature system (promoted by the Taiwan CPA Association). It has been mandated since 1983 that audit reports include audit partners' signatures. Results of this study are expected to provide regulatory agencies a basis on whether providing audit partner signatures in audit reports can improve the reliability and quality of audit reports. Empirical results show that audit partners have a higher share of accountability in either the single signature system or the dual signature system, compared to the system currently adopted in the US, implying that as long as an audit partner signs an audit report, the audit partner is already accountable for the reliability of the audit report. Furthermore, all the respondents tend to support continuance of the dual signature system and a slight differentiation of accountability between the two audit partners. Besides, they all suggest that the audit partner signature system should be practiced in the US, as revealing audit partners’ names on audit reports can increase not only the reliability of the reports but also the individual accountability of audit partners.


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