  • 期刊


The Effects of Kinesio Taping on Preventing Knee Injuries for Volleyball Players


在排球運動中,許多動作皆需要反覆的急停與跳躍,膝蓋需承受大量的衝擊力,如此一來,造成膝關節的傷害便大幅的提升。在競技運動中,運動輔具扮演重要輔助角色,除了傳統的護具外,肌內效(Kinesio taping, KT)貼紮近幾年被大量的用於競技場上,其效益包含:增加局部代謝、減少疲勞、避免肌肉過度使用與提升本體感覺等,因此能降低傷害的產生。本文主要以文獻探討的方式,彙整出肌內效貼紮之效益,並結合排球運動,期望透過本研究給與教練與選手們在比賽與訓練時降低傷害得產生。


In volleyball, many actions are repeatedly stop and jumps, knees are exposed to a great deal of impact, causing the knee injury. In competitive sports, played an important supporting role, in addition to the traditional protector, a muscle-effect (Kinesio taping, KT) taping widely used for the sport in recent years, its benefits include: increased local metabolism, reduce fatigue, avoid excessive use of muscles and improve proprioception and therefore will reduce injuries. In this review, collect the muscle efficiency benefits of taping, and volleyball in the hope that through this research with coaches and athletes in competition and training reduced injuries.
