  • 期刊


Research Into the Effectiveness of the Volleyball Players of Different Roles Receiving




排球 自由球員 接發球


The purpose of this study was to understand the different roles of the volleyball player Serve effectiveness research to participate in the 2012 World Women's Volleyball Grand Prix (Kaohsiung Station) teams, a total of four teams six games 23 innings for the content analysis, research methods using video with analysis of the way, the results indicate (1) the different roles of each team player Serve case, the main players in the Italian-based (62.8%), followed by a libero agent (31.7%), with the main players dominated Poland (71.1%) followed by free agents (27.5%), the Dominican Republic with the main players dominated (68.5%), followed by a free agent (26.4%), Chinese Taipei to the main players dominated (67.6%), followed by a free agent (31.9%). (2) the different roles of the players in each team then serve no difference in the effectiveness of (F=0.51, p> .05), libero agent receiving. superior effectiveness spiker, auxiliary attacking players, the players and give players the break, and each team's Serve the effectiveness of the different roles of the players will not have interaction. Conclusion: It is recommended in the future training and competition for free agency initiative, judgment, mobile, prop master ball ability, and improve the success rate ratio and the return of serve, ignoring the free agency is a full-time return of receiving and defense capabilities, and strengthen the main players judgments mobile attack, prop master ball ability, the other players involved in the return of serve, too, in order to improve the overall effectiveness of their return of receiving.


Volleyball libero Receiving
