  • 期刊


Studies Concerning Diet Literature and Political Career in Early Stages of Su,Shi


蘇軾早期的飲食文學中,有很多對於飲食與仕隱情懷之思考,筆者從此出發,探討他的飲食文學的面向。論文主要分為四部分,首先蘇軾之飲食文學與宋代之政治、社會、經濟有緊密之關連, 此為其創作背景。次論蘇軾早期的飲食書寫有不少與其徘徊於仕隱的情感有關。其次蘇軾有部分政治上之飲食書寫,屬於論政性質,其論及飲食多為關心人民的生計,為其仕宦身份表現憫農、恤民之關懷,這部分其實也呈顯蘇軾對於北宋社會的觀察,關心民謨,神鋒俊利,很具特色。其三論其藉家鄉飲食抒發懷鄉之情,眷眷深情令人低迴,此懷鄉之情實也與其仕隱情感有關。凡此,皆都透過食物做為媒介,展開其深刻雋永、爽颯健駿、通情達理之書寫,亦表現其初期文學創作之特色與關懷。


蘇軾 宋代 飲食文學 仕隱 物質文化


In early stages of dietary literature, Su, Shi expressed lots of aspirations for cuisines and political career simultaneously. The research has thus started from this curiosity for researching how developed his cuisine literature wherein the researches shall be inclusive of 4 parts in total, beginning firstly from his literature relevancy with Song Dynasty's politics, society and economics, followed by this great author's creativity backgrounds. Then this essay will also explore in fact that lots of his cuisine literature in early stages has high relevancy with his wandering in political careers. Then this research proceeds to some of Su, Shi political literature contained his political ideologies wherein lots of concern for civil social cuisines are expressed in a way for further enthusiasm for civil social economic and public welfare and concerns for North Song Dynasty's observation that can be the most characteristic for his literature. Finally, Su, Shi expressed his passion and missing for his homeland by literature writing thereinafter his concerns have always been expressed in low-profile but endurable and his homesick missing has all resulted from his political career. Everything of his literature creativity was started by usage of cuisine as a medium for developing his impressive, endurable, characteristic, fluent, smooth, social and passionate literature writings constituting the biggest features of his literature in early stage and also expressing his love in low-profile.


