  • 期刊

An Analysis of Grammar Learning in a Certification Class



文法教學成效一直是英語教學中最為廣範討論的議題之一(Ellis, 2006),現今英文證照考試在臺灣已成為主流。因此,本研究目的即在於找出科技大學學生在參加證照考試時,感到困擾的文法問題,針對考試成立的證照班是否能幫助他們作答成功,以及出席證照班的次數是否影響考試成績。本研究的樣本為159名大一到大三學生,他們參加了為幫助考生通過G-telp level 4(相當於CEFA2程度)考試的英文證照班。就文法題而言,依據學生的前測成績與證照考試成績的數據顯示,大多數學生在證照考試時較前測成績進步,並且出席率愈高者進步愈多,文法項目尤為顯著。


Grammar teaching has been investigated for different purposes for many years (Ellis, 2006). Since there are students eager to pass some certification tests, required in many colleges in Taiwan in recent years. The research intends to find out what grammar problems the students have, and to look into if the mechanically repetitive practice on similar question patterns help the students better understand the ways of answering the grammar questions in an intensive class. In addition, this research also aims to find whether the students' performance is influenced by their attendance to the class. In other words, if the students attend the class more, they will progress more in the certification test. The data were analyzed by SPSS to examine (1). if the students improved in the grammar section after taking the intensive class, and (2). the correlation between the students' improvement and their attendance. The result showed that the students obviously improved in the performance of grammar section, and the correlation between their improvement and attendance has a significant difference. However, there are still problems on whether they elevated abilities in Grammar or they learned only enough skills to do the certification test.
