  • 期刊


Establishing a Mobile App Platform for Used Book Market


隨著網路科技的日新月異,科技產品不斷創新與發展,而近年發展快速的智慧型行動裝置普及化,行動網路價格大幅降低,使人們趨近於人手一機,生活上的大小事可以使用網路更加便利地處理。智慧型行動裝置搭配行動網路廣泛地運用在人們活動、遊戲、商業等各種活動,行動電子商務也將因此拓展開來。校園內二手書交易一直是經濟能力不算好的學生熱衷的活動。在學期結束之後把沒用到的教科書賣掉,添加一筆收入;修新課程的學生也會選擇購買二手書來省下昂貴的買書費用。一般校園內二手書交易通常需要雙方已有熟識,或通過班代做為交易的橋樑,才可以使雙方交易完成。隨著網路日漸發達,二手書交易網站隨之興起。社會人士或學生皆可以在網路上進行二手書的交易。近來又因為社群網站的興起,許多學生使用社群網站創立二手書交易社團,在成功加入社團後成員可以在裡面任意留言販賣與購買二手書。本研究之目標是設計一個二手書交易平臺的APP,讓使用者可以同時身兼買家與賣家,只需使用智慧行行動裝置即可方便的進行二手書的交易,本專題以Android平台實作,使用Eclipse與Android SDK來進行開發。買家可以在APP上以書名、作者、出版社、ISBN做為關鍵字來搜尋書籍,而賣家可以輸入書籍的基本資料來新增書籍上架。此APP能讓使用者透過這個平臺快速的找到所需的二手書籍,大大的減少找書的時間。


Many innovative and creative products have been produced by the improvement and progress of high development of communication technology. The products in mobile network are of the same. The more popular of intellectual personal handy devices have been used, the more convenient life people in this generation may enjoy. Alost every person has one or more handy devices with him. The combination of handy devices and mobile network has become the living and commercial trend of this age. Then, the influence of e-commence has arisen pervasively. Many Students would like to sell their used books after end of each semester. In order to save plenty of money buying text books, parts of students also prefer to find used books if they can. Therefore, the market of used books business may become flourishing. However, this market is bound with the trust of acquainted personals or groups. As the progress of network technology, the need of sites for used books interflowing becomes a business. Students and general people may use this used book platform to buy and sell their books. Due to rising of social networks, many second-handed book clubs have been created by students. After successfully becoming a member of such clubs, they may find buyers and sellers of their used books easily. In this study, our goal is to design an apps for used books interflowing. Users of this app may be the seller and buyer in the same time. Users may used their handy mobile devices and make the transactions become easy. In this study, we use the platform of android to develop our apps via Eclipse and Android SDK. The buyers may input books' name, authors, or publish as their keywords to look for books they want, while the sellers enter the elemental data of books they own to put them on shelf. This app may help users of this platform to save their time to looking for books.


Smart mobile devices used books search books android
