  • 期刊


A Preliminary Investigation on Master Yin Shun's Understandings and Criticisms of the Buddhist Practice of Tantric Sex




The practice of tantric sex to reach enlightenment has been an attention, or even controversy, for a long time. In this paper I access Master Yin Shun's point of views to discuss this practice. First I introduce Yin Shun's understandings of the practice of Tantric Sex. He suggests that using lust as a method to remove lust has its precedents in the Buddhist classics. Together with the impacts of yogic heathenism, the records of sexual practice in the Tantric texts were formulated. Second I analyze and summarize his criticisms. Yin Shun suggests that the elimination of lust is the orthodox teaching of the Buddha Dharma. By contrast, lust as a spiritual road is an expedience. That the descendants mistreat this expedient teaching as an ultimate one missed the track and went astray. Lastly I contrast Yin Shun's views with the Dalai Lama^(14th), arguing that their descriptions are roughly coherent, e.g. the necessary presumption of tathāgata-garbha in this practice and the pursuit of its enlightenment in order to speedily realize the Buddhahood, but their evaluations are quite different. I also reflect their differences in order to have a certain understanding of this practice.
