  • 期刊


An Important Lesson of Humanistic Buddhism in the Past Century




人間佛教史 太虛 印順 區別對待


Looking back on the history of Humanistic Buddhism in the past century, there have been always with criticism, abuse, and language attack. The causes are very complex why some people are dissatisfied with Humanistic Buddhism, two of which are the main reasons: One reason is as Master Tai-xu has said that Buddhism innovation would damage the "reputation" of the old ones. The second reason is the thought difference as Master Yin-shun said. According to the different conditions, it should be taken different attitude to treat. If it is beyond the discussion of normal diverse opinions, historical lessons should be accepted to stop arguing. While as the same time, Humanistic Buddhism should stimulate itself to develop new ideas, and take the opposite voices as an "inverse growth chance". Humanistic Buddhism should not only work up, but also to absorb different Buddhist sects in order to make greater achievements! This is because Humanistic Buddhism although has a leader position in Taiwan and the mainland of China, it is not a special sect outside the traditional Buddhist sects.


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