  • 期刊


A Report on the International Human Rights Education Conference in Chile


本文為智利國際人權教育研討會的參訪報告。這次的研討會於2016 年12月12 日至15 日於智利大學舉行。東吳大學一行六人參與了這次會議,並發表論文或研究海報。本文由參訪的成員分別就不同的面向寫成,包括劉恆君同學介紹此次國際人權教育研討會的發起背景、張家維同學報告智利的政治發展與轉型正義、蔡旭東同學報告智利的高等教育概況、朱家瑢同學報告智利在後威權時期藝術與文化的發展,我則簡短地分享了此次參與會議的觀察心得。


智利 人權教育


This is a brief report on the 7th annual meeting of the International Human Rights Education Conference in Chile. The conference was sponsored and organized by the University of Chile in Santiago from December 12 to 15 2016. Five of us from Soochow University attended the conference and either presented a paper or shared their research work via posters. However, for the purposes of this report, we reached a consensus that we should separately write on different aspects of our observations in Chile. In accordance with this structure, Ms. June Liu introduces the origins and developments of this series of conference, Mr. Chang Chia-wei reports on the political situation and transitional justice in Chile, Mr. Cai Xu-dong on Chile's higher education, Ms. Chu Chia-jong on Chile's art and culture in her post authoritarian era, and my report emphasizes the activities and networking taken place in the conference.


Chile human rights education
