  • 期刊


Alternative Treatment for Children with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD)


校園中有著越來越多被社會標定為「過動」的孩子,這跟近年來教育體系中的老師面對孩童的難題息息相關。因社會氛圍與教學結構的限制,校園中對於過動孩童的處遇,容易快速往「先診斷他是不是過動」的方向,而滑入了過動篩檢的機制,產生過動孩童可能被問題化的疑慮。本文記錄小學教師從輔導室角色出發,在校園為所謂注意力不集中的學童創造多元發展空間的行動實驗,透過「身心覺察與運作小團體」實作方案、「身心覺察暑期三日營隊」以及「兒少武術和感覺統合實驗課程」操作方案,訓練孩童身心敏覺與安定的能力,以創造不同視角來「看待」學生及其差異行為。本研究以行動研究的方法,嘗試除醫療用藥之外,細緻對待過動兒童狀態的可能性,認為 教育現場需要的是資源的挹注,並須透過醫療、教育、社工系統之跨領域合作,以利孩子身心健康。


An increasing number of schoolchildren are now labeled as having "attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD)" by Taiwanese society. These children seemingly burden the teaching and management of schools but actually reflect the interference of Taiwan's medical system with school settings, thus challenging the existing education counseling system in the categorizing and treatment of children's problems. Through physical and mental awareness courses, the activities in this course call attention to the inappropriateness of the medical system for controlling and governing the body using medication. This study served as a record of such courses. The findings indicate that a lack of educational resources and the involvement of mainstream medical mechanisms in schools often leads to the retreat of teachers from their position of the principal teaching facilitator. When the education system fails to allocate relevant resources, teachers are left with the only choice of adopting the medical model for quick intervention. Consequently, these students are subject to a special education assessment test and assigned to a recourse class. The research shows that the combination of teachers and relevant resources is proved conducive to providing children with attention training.
