  • 期刊


Fostering Civic Literacy through Social Action Curriculum Project: The Praxis of Sixth-Grade "US-Taiwan Eco-Campus Partnership Program"


本文旨在探究國民小學六年級實施社會行動課程以培育公民素養的可行性,課程以環境議題為核心,統整資訊素養、自然與生活科技、英語等領域進行教學。在為期一年的學習過程中,學生參與「臺美生態學校夥伴計畫」(US-Taiwan Eco-Campus Partnership Program),實際採取在地行動,改善校園生態環境,並和美國姐妹校互動交流。本研究採行動研究,以嘉義地區一個國小班級為對象,透過實地參與、教學日誌撰寫、訪談、問卷和文件分析等方法蒐集資料。研究結果發現:透過「探究問題-擬訂計畫-採取行動」三步驟的引導及支持性學習鷹架的運用,小六師生能共同建構並落實社會行動課程。此課程提供學生展現公民行動的機會,培養學生保護環境的參與能力、關懷環境的情意態度,有效提升公民素養。最後,本研究建議教師跨領域組成參與式工作坊,師生一同實踐社會行動課程,成為行動公民。


The purpose of this study was to investigate the feasibility of a social action curriculum project fostering civic literacy within a sixth grade class. The one-year project, US-Taiwan Eco-Campus Partnership Program, integrated information literacy, science, and English into the curriculum which mainly focused on the environmental issue. At first, students identified environmental problems of the school; then, they developed civic action plans according to the information they collected. Finally, they exchanged ideas with their American partners, and took civic action to make their school more eco-friendly. This study was conducted in an elementary school in the area of Chiayi, Taiwan. Action research was adopted and the empirical data was gathered through participant observations, tests, surveys, interviews, field notes, and document analyses. The results indicated that it is feasible to develop a social action curriculum project by both teachers and students in an intersubjective way. By using Vygotsky scaffolding and three-step strategy, including exploring problems, developing action plans, and taking action to make a difference, this learning-by-doing project could advance student civic engagement and civic virtue effectively.
