  • 期刊


A Study of Integrating Community Resources into Theme-based Curriculum of Elementary School-Practicing Social Action Approach as an Example


本研究旨在探討將社區資源融入國小跨領域主題課程之成效。經參酌陳麗華等人(2004)主張之社會行動取向(social action approach),設計並實施為期9週之南田國小(化名)「走讀道將圳」課程。研究工具包含訪談紀錄、省思札記、學習單、會議記錄、家長回饋單與課程滿意度調查問卷。研究結果顯示本課程不僅對三年級學童學習興趣與教師教學熱忱有所提升,亦對學生問題解決能力具有正面的影響。此外,學生對本課程滿意度達七成以上。然而,對具體引導學生對家鄉社區關懷等情意方面的培養,尚未達到預期成效。最後,提出檢討及改正方向供未來課程發展參考。


The purpose of this study was to investigate the effects of integrating community resources into elementary school's interdisciplinary theme-based curriculum. According to the social action approach proposed by Chen Li Hua et al (2004), a 9-week curriculum named "Walking and Reading Through the Dau Jiang Tzuen" of South Farm Elementary School (a pseudonym) was designed and implemented. The research tools included interview records, reflection journals, worksheets, meeting records, feedback forms of parents and questionnaire of satisfaction. The results showed the curriculum not only improved the interest in learning of participants and promoted the enthusiasm in teaching of teachers, but also had positive influence on the ability in problem-solving of the students. Besides, over 70% of students were satisfied with the curriculum. Regrettably, the goal of the curriculum to lead students to show much concern about their hometown did not achieve effectively. Thus some proposals were made for developing the theme-based curriculum in the future.
