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A Structural Modeling Analysis on the Forming Phases of Virtual Communities


面對虛擬社群的多元化及多變性,深入了解影響虛擬社群形成的三個層面:功能、心理、衍生之間的關係,其中功能層面涉及社群成員是否滿意社群所建置的資訊媒體工具及安全保障,而心理層面則是社群成員對社群是否能夠產生信任感、認同感與歸屬感,最後衍生層面意指社群成員是否能夠形成一致的意識形態或價值觀。對於功能、心理、衍生層面的了解將有助於提升虛擬社群的經營管理,也藉此探討虛擬社群的持續運作或受歡迎的主要原因,因此本研究將以結構方程模式(structural equation modeling)檢視虛擬社群三個形成層面之間的相關性。由於目前在台灣,虛擬社群的使用者依然以Facebook臉書居多,因此本研究以Facebook臉書使用者為主要研究對象進行問卷的調查發放,將回收的222份有效問卷,以SPSS統計軟體進行敘述性統計分析、因素分析、信效度分析等,再以AMOS統計軟體進行結構方程式之統計分析,驗證研究問題與假設。研究結果證實三個形成層面之間具有顯著相關性;功能層面對於心理與衍生層面皆具有顯著正向影響,且心理層面也對社會層面具有顯著正向影響;此外,功能層面會透過心理層面的中介效果,間接影響衍生層面。因此,虛擬社群的形成以功能層面最為重要,也是Facebook持續受歡迎的主要原因,本研究並提出建議與結論供後續研究做為參考。


Due to the diversity and heterogeneity of the virtual communities, it is essential to measure and detect the forming of virtual communities in terms of function, psychology, and derivation phases. The function phase refers to the satisfaction users have with the structure of media tools and security built by the virtual community, the psychology phase relates to the feeling of trust, identity and belonging users have towards the virtual community, and finally, the derivation phase means that users demonstrate a high level of consistency on ideology and values. This study based on the structural equation modeling to explore the relationships among these three forming phases. An empirical research survey was conducted on the users of Facebook in Taiwan. A total of 222 valid questionnaires were collected and analyzed. Such statistical methods as statistical description, factor analysis, and reliability analysis were performed by the SPSS statistical software system. Also, research questions were tested on the structural equation modeling (SEM) by the AMOS statistical software system. The research results showed: 1.) three phases have a significant positive correlation with each other; and 2.) the psychology phase has a mediating effect on the relationship between the function and derivation phases. The research conclusions and discussion for further research are given as references.


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