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The influence of Shopee application users' perceived usefulness on use attitude: The moderating effects of mobile shopping system quality




The development of technology prompts people to pursue the convenience of technology. It is essential to increase online shopping platform's performance by improving the platform interfaces toward a design of simplicity, efficiency, security, and convenience for application users. Consequently, this research focuses on the relationships among perceived usefulness, use attitude, and mobile shopping system quality model for online shopping platform, explicitly, Shopee. Our research results show that: (1) perceived usefulness of platform's users has significant impacts on use attitude in this study; (2) the moderating effects of mobile shopping system quality model constructs, namely, system quality, information quality, service quality are significant. Through this research, we can have better understandings of the relationships among perceived usefulness, use attitude and mobile shopping system quality model. We expect that our analysis and results can be used as a beneficial reference for managers of on-line shopping platforms for improving their overall service quality.


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