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The moderating effect of the supervisory intentional attribution of subordinates and confidant/ chinxin relationship on Chinese supervisor's authoritarian leadership and employee implicit voice




The authoritarian leadership is common and has a very important position in Chinese organizations, at the same time, it is an important part of the paternalistic leadership. In many studies in the past, the authoritarian leadership has hindered the employee's voice behavior, but it is rare to discuss about the implicit voice of employees. Therefore, this study attempts to explore the relationship between the authoritarian leadership and the employee's implicit voice, and finds whether the moderating effect of the supervisory intentional attribution of subordinates and confidant/ chinxin relationship on Chinese supervisor's authoritarian leadership and employee implicit voice. This study used questionnaires to survey employees in the Chinese mainland organizations, collected 375 questionnaires and 363 valid questionnaires. The results of the study show that there is a significant positive relationship between the supervisory authoritarian leadership and the employee's implicit voice. Authentic attribution of leadership behavior negatively regulates the relationship between the employee's implicit voice and authoritarian leadership; manipulative attribution of leadership behavior is positively adjusted. In addition, trustworthy relationship negatively regulates the relationship between authoritarian leadership and implicit voice.


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