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Research on Design and Marketing Planning of Baby Products Platform




Parents nowadays prefer high-quality and safe baby products, so many novice parents are often unable to buy their favorite baby products due to budget constraints? At the same time, many novice parents also have baby products that are no longer used in their homes. Although they take up space, it is wasteful to throw them away. This study found this phenomenon, and designed a second-hand baby products trading platform with the evaluation research method. This platform operates in a B2C or C2C e-commerce mode and follow the sharing economy concept to allow used baby products to be circulated on the platform. The platform not only provides product testing, but also product disinfect before shipment. The platform also has a chatroom for parents to communicate, so that novice parents can exchange baby-raising experiences or comments on traded products as a reference for members. This study hopes to provide a channel for novice parents to obtain accurate parenting information, save money and time to buy ideal baby products, and contribute to the green circular economy.


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